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If you would like to make an enquiry or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mairead using the details below.


Principal: Mairead Langan – B.Phil(Hons), LRAD, RAD, RTS


00353 (0)87 230 8137


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We are now offering JAZZ CLASSES in our Clontarf and Sandymount Schools


CLONTARF Belgrove Girls School D03 T803

TUESDAYS        4.30-5.30pm 10+

                      5.30-6.30pm 14+

SATURDAYS     2.10-2.50pm 8+

SANDYMOUNT Christ Church Hall D04 HP79

TUESDAYS        5.20-6.00pm 8+

Book your free trial class!

Call us on +353 87 230 8137